Thursday, September 20, 2007
#1--I'm kind of not excited about my cruise. It's so much work getting ready and it's a little scary getting totally out of your comfort zone and it's a long time to be away from my kids. How do I explain to a 2 year old that we're leaving but we'll be back? I just picture him so confused as to where his mom went. It's upsetting. Luckily I remember that I've done big trips before (Latvia, Argentina) and we were in heaven the whole time.
and yet...I did get excited when I picked up 3 new books from the library! I have that giddy, excitement in your throat feeling about actually having time to read, all of them, while basking in the sun. And there better be a lot of sun.
#2 I went to the temple today and, nothing big happened--I just love that feeling you get as you finish the rush into the dressing room and you're all dressed and waiting for your name and you just know you're right where you should be. It's just a whole lot of peaceful. And I know, even though nothing revelatory happened for me there, that I really am just a little bit better (in a real, lasting way) when I leave, because I was obedient and I believe that Heavenly Father keeps His promises.
and yet, why are the sisters always so much more on top of you about every thing you do and say in the temple then the men? Ryan always laughs when I tell him that, because he says the brethren in the temple never pay attention to anything. So fully typical of the female/male thing, huh?
#3 I really want to lose a pound at my self-imposed weigh-in tomorrow. Just to have the nice round weight loss number of 10 lbs.
and yet it all ends (diet wise) in a day anyway, so why not have some chocolate no-bakes right now (while I start the new season of Survivor)? Really, I can't think of a compelling reason.
#4 And I really should finish cleaning the house.
and yet, I want to finish my book so I don't have to take it with me and waste book space.
and yet, I want to blog (see what won?)
and yet, I want to watch Survivor
and yet, I want to sleep.
I hate not doing any of these things tonight, but I probably will have to admit defeat.
#5 Probably because I'm leaving them (the kiddos), I am just so aware today of how fast it all goes, and how you can't get it back and how you never fully get how great this part of life is. I have the (really) best children around. Just so good and hard-working and kind and funny. I don't think I deserve them.
--And I don't really have a contradiction about that. They are all sleeping and cute and I just really like them today.
(Maybe entertaining Jessica will return tomorrow...but maybe it'll just be overloaded Jessica who shouldn't post but will anyway.)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Best Thing Ever

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Phone Philosophies

This philosophy also spills over to voice mail. Jessica wouldn't dream of not leaving a piece of her soul on your answering machine. However, since I feel no obligation to respond to phone messages, I only leave them when I am completely desperate.
"... um ... my meeting starts in only 30 seconds"
"Don't go"
"seriously honey, I will be out of a job if I am not in that conference room in 20 seconds."
"Does that mean you might be home early tonight?"
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
How to have a successful price matching experience at Walmart
1. Do not visit the Spokane Valley Wal-Mart at 7:00 pm when the lines are humongous.
2. Do not change lines because you think it will be faster.
3. Do not get the 50ish female cashier with graying hair in a french braid.
4. Pay attention when you notice she seems to be taking a LONG time with the guy in front of you.
5. Be concerned when she begins individually wrapping your flour and rearranging the order you have placed your items on the conveyor belt.
6. Do not try to price match your salmon with a coupon that says "Any seafood item" AND has a picture of salmon on it--because she will tell you it's doesn't specify, in words, salmon.
7. Make sure you have every price match documented with the store and the ounces, because SHE WILL CHECK.
8. Do not try to get peanut butter granola bars, instead of honey and oat granola bars, because she will have to call over a supervisor.
9. Do not try to save $8 on your meat, because it rings up as a unit and not in pounds, because you will have to call over the supervisor and then the manager, before she will give in and let you have it.
10. Pay no attention to the 8 PEOPLE line behind you, one of whom will say, "Really, if you are going to do this, you should have a sign on your cart that tells people to get into another line."
11. Do not lose your temper when she will not give you a 6 oz container for the 7 oz container price, because they are not exact matches.
12. Do not try to tell her the price of the meat, as you figured it at home, because she will want to, with scratch paper and a pencil, figure it out herself while everyone hates you behind you.
13. Do not try to leave right after you pay, because she will want to show you, using your mile long receipt, each item you price matched, where it was deleted and how it was repriced.
14. Do not calculate the 38 minutes you were in the Walmart line, because it will just make you mad.
15. Remind yourself and your husband that you saved $19 and it was probably worth the cashier from hell.
16. Make sure your husband takes a picture of your annoyance when you get home, because you will want to blog about this for sure.
16. Tuck right into the Ben&Jerry's Karamel Sutra you bought (price matched for $2.50) when you get home. It will make everything all better.
Friday, September 14, 2007
We're so Holey

skewered this mouth:

After a day of back and forth with the urgent care, school and our emotions...we finally found out (by visiting an ENT in our ward--who also apparently also knows about the M) that she had put a HOLE in her tonsil. (People kept trying to get me to go to the ER, but I didn't think we needed to--what were they going to do, stitch up her throat?--and Dr. Julian told me that they would have done what he did: diagnose and send me home.) Her tonsil HOLE has gotten much better today--which she said "is kinda bad, cause now I don't get a milkshake for dinner like last night."
Hole #2

ran over something on the way home from work yesterday (same day as the tonsil/skewer incident). $400 later, the HOLE is fixed and the car is driving much better.
Hole #3
is the mouth that has had a missing front tooth for over 18 months. (When he was two, he fell and the tooth turned gray. It must have fallen out early because it's been MIA for an inordinate amount of time.)
Yesterday (same day as the tonsil/skewer and tire/highway incident)--mom noticed that the HOLE is being filled in. He's getting his tooth, finally. And Gabe is eating corn on the cob much better.
We don't know what we were supposed to learn from the Day Of Holes but we're really looking forward to the Day Of Breaks and the Day Of Regurgitation.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Quick Quote #11

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
And so it begins...
Seth also had his first day of "playgroup." He needed to wear the backpack.
This made me realize that we've begun the whirlwind that is our church-going, talent-increasing, big kid-having family of six. In ONE week, this is what we will do:
2 playgroups for Seth (I teach every 4-6 weeks)
2 preschool days (with a rotating carpool)
2 piano lessons
1 gymnastic session
1 adult volleyball session
3 church meetings (at least)
1 activity days
1 babysitting trade (for VT or helping in classes)
1 McDonald's lunch playdate (for me, mostly)
2 soccer practices
2 soccer games
1 baby shower, friend birthday party or in-home marketing party
1 mini-van OUT OF GAS
I think this is why they call the previous 3 months: Summer Vacation.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Family Night(s)
Emma picked the song (Follow the Prophet) and I played the piano (I'm awesome.)
Then the lesson. Emma and Gabe, using Little People, re-enacted the story of Noah's Ark complete with raining scraps of blue paper for the flood.
Emma also had follow up questions--here's Jane telling us how many elephants went on the ark.
So that's Family Night #1.
Friday, September 7, 2007

Thursday, September 6, 2007
Musings on Parenting
2) Discipline when it punishes you.
I could probably end right there and you would all know exactly what I'm talking about. Emma and Gabe broke a rule about coming in when I call (consequence: no playing outside the rest of the day) at the end of the day and then LIED about it (and got caught). The punishment, I not-so-calmly pronounced: 2 full days inside. As the words left my mouth, I realized what I had done. I was punishing me. I felt like it was an natural consequence (if you can't be trusted to come in when I call, then you can't go out at all and if you lie about something, it's WORSE than the original crime) but I WAS GOING TO DIE with kids in my face for two entire days. I started calling around, asking friends if they were sick or getting their hair done, so I could "watch the kids for them" --translation: ease the misery in our house, through pretending a service project. I began making up outings (library, Seth needed to go to the park) so we could get out. All in all, I think it was effective. But how bad does it suck when being a good parent disciplines you?!
3) The Not Listening Chair
Also known as the toilet. I got this from my mom. She claims she changed it to "The Thinking Chair" to be more positive, but that was after my time. We call it the Not Listening Chair around here. It's where they go when they do bad stuff. 1 minute per year, of course...and I never forget to set the timer and they never yell "Can I get off?" 25 times and I'm always really calm when I send them there. I love it because it's everywhere, in every home, it's really boring, and uncomfortable and the only trouble they can get into is un-rolling the toilet paper roll. Downside: It's really echo-y when they're screaming bloody murder. Seth sends himself there:
I'll hear yelling and then I'll locate the source. It's Seth, following the example set for him by older siblings, "I ge off?!" Even though I've never actually sent him there. I tell him he can get off, but he won't until I have him apologize (like I do with older kids, thank you, Super Nanny) so I have to make something up: "Tell Mom sorry for being really cute." "Sah-we, mom." "Okay, you can get off." I'm worried it's losing it's effectiveness for him.
So there you go...being the wordy woman that I am, those turned out to all be long enough for their own posts. Sorry. I'd love to hear your feedback about how you'd never adopt a 90% rule, wimp out of a punishment by making up service projects or force your baby to say sorry for nothing. Maybe you can teach ME a thing or two!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Ode to Summer

I like playing on the playset. It's wight dere. I love playing on the playset. I'm happy that my mom let me play on the playset. --Jane
(Ed. note--this is supposed to represent all the hours spent outside in the best neighborhood in the world. Jane got a little fixated.)

(Ed. note: He neglected to mention the testimony he gained, after his stellar parents BRIBED him to read the scriptures. We're so proud. No bribe is involved in 2 Nephi.)