Jane was getting ready for her first day of Preschool and she said, "Oh I wish Gwamma could see me in my fuhst Pweschool day outfit." I said, "She will...we'll put it on the blog."
Seth also had his first day of "playgroup." He needed to wear the backpack.
This made me realize that we've begun the whirlwind that is our church-going, talent-increasing, big kid-having family of six. In ONE week, this is what we will do:
2 playgroups for Seth (I teach every 4-6 weeks)
2 preschool days (with a rotating carpool)
2 piano lessons
1 gymnastic session
1 adult volleyball session
3 church meetings (at least)
1 activity days
1 babysitting trade (for VT or helping in classes)
1 McDonald's lunch playdate (for me, mostly)
2 soccer practices
2 soccer games
1 baby shower, friend birthday party or in-home marketing party
1 mini-van OUT OF GAS
I think this is why they call the previous 3 months: Summer Vacation.
Outfit Formula: A Side of Chartreuse
2 days ago
Yeah, you'd think having 3/4 of your kids out of the house would give you more time. But, I am the same as you. My days are consumed with everything I can think of (mostly lunch with girlfriends.)
And, you're right, if we lived close to each other nothing would ever get done! We are just such the social butterflies!
We are in the middle of chaos ourselves. Soccer practice, soccer games, cello, violin, preschool, half day Kindergarten, scouts, activity days, back to school picnics, ciriculum nights for each child, etc. And try doing all of that with your husband out of town - and still being nice to your kids. Somedays bedtime can't come soon enough!
Sorry to comment twice but I forgot to say:
1. I love Jane's over the shoulder pose. I use it often myself.
2. I love Seth's shirt. Go cougars!
Okay, I just realized I don't know how to delete my own comments. Ryan was adding a picture to my profile and then he tested it with that lame comment. That's why I just commented whoa. I didn't.
Who posted that 2nd time?!?! This is the REAL Jessica. I posted the "whoa", because WHOA! am I HOT or what in that picture? And then the bizzarro Jessica must have hijacked my account and fake posted that 2nd comment. If there are any more comments after this one you can probably disregard them because I will not be commenting anymore after this.
I hate Ryan.
... Knock it off!!!! Whoever you are!
I would appreciate if someone would tell me how to delete comments, so I can go back to posting instead of commenting about Ryan's fake comments.
I don't think you're going to get the last word in here so you better cut your losses.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's really that dumb Ryan. That's it: NO SEX TONIGHT!
ALRIGHT ... I am serious! ... if bizarro Jessica doesn't cease and desist then her/my/our picture might be suddenly changed to a provocative nudie shot!
Where exactly would you get one of those?
Oh ... after I nullify our previous threat to Ryan, I will have plenty to choose from!
This is getting totally innappropriate. I apologize to anyone who has been subjected to our private issues. It would all be taken care of if I could figure out how to delete any of these.
Well, I am un-appologizing because only I can REALLY appologize for both of us. I only appologize on MY terms sister.
It's like I'm that crazy blond girl from Heroes (Nikki/Jessica).
And do you really want your mother (or mine) reading these?!
Sorry ... but to those of you trying to help out whoever it is that could be posting under my name, I had to delete your explanation of deleting comments. Nice try though!
Okay ... I warned you! I bet you forgot about this little pic of us in our swimsuit waiting in line for our turn at the diving board. You really should have stopped this before I had to pull the nuclear option.
Too late, Ryan, your mom has read this!!
You two are way too funny!!!
And it appears that someone is sleeping on the couch tonight!
This is why Dane doesn't know our logons.
Just so you all know: Coments #4, 6, 8, 10 , 12, 14, 16, 18, 19 & 21 are from Ryan. Maybe this should just be our post for today...it's been time-consuming enough.
(seeing 23 comments makes me feel popular, even if 17 are from us.)
oh my, that was funny. jessica, you are hot, but i don't think you'll be able to wear that suit to girls camp.
I missed the bathing suit shot? Bizarro Jessica is rude but funny. She ain't gettin' any tonight. And Grandparents will be completely shocked that you two have sex.
Why is Seth so cute? Your life makes me tired. Somehow it's easier to do it when we don't have to think about all those soccer practices. And we have two a week here per kid. Ugh. I try to get him to at least one. I'm not an overachiever.
I was SO jealous of your 25 comments. Maybe I will start leaving comments for myself, like your 'bizarro Jessica.'
Hey-- you also forgot all of the other things you do at home because you're a busy mom of 4 kids. Marjorie Hinckley said that being a member of the church makes you busy. I initially thought -- yes, because of callings, church meetings -- but there are so many other things we're trying to do to because we're members of the church -- like read our scriptures, keep a journal (aka blog), give service, have FHE, do family history, the list goes on and on! I think you're awesome!
Oh - I think Seth looks just like Ryan.
And I thought I wanted my kid to be old enough for playdates...
p.s. it's really great that you changed your login info to not have your last name so someone can click on your profile and find your blog, Everday ROMNEYS. I love you both!!
Oh my gosh that is the cutest picture of Seth. I love it!
So is this the schedule Mary Poppins will be following while you two twirl away on your cruise? If so, leave lots of chocolate!!!!
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