Monday, September 3, 2007

Laborious Labor Day Weekend

There is a long list of improvements that need to be made to our nearby rental property. The list has been rattling around my head for a couple of months. So I finally decided to face the music and tackle one of the "to do" items over Labor Day weekend. Saturday morning I set out to paint the trim, front door and shutters on the house. Sounds easy enough, I figured I could get it done in a few hours. I thought it would be more enjoyable if we made it a family project. I had this idyllic picture in my mind of the kids scrubbing down the shutters and door as Jessica and I painted together. As they got bored, they would perhaps start a harmless and well contained game of tag on the front lawn as Jessica and I put the finishing touches on our respective paint jobs. It was going to be great. Plus it would teach the kids about the value of working together as a family.

In retrospect, I suppose I should have been tipped off by Gabe's reaction to the proposal of my glorious plans. After explaining how we would all get to work outside together Emma asked excitedly,

"Do we get to paint!?!?"

"Ummm, not exactly ... I thought you guys could do the prep work (positive inflection)"

"What's prep work?"

"Well, like scrubbing down the areas that need paint with some soapy water and drying them, (eager look on Emma's face fading quickly) ... oh! oh! oh! and spraying things with the hose (consolation job appearing to be suitably acceptable).

As I lead Emma and Gabe to the car Gabe began taunting me by asserting that he would not be participating in my plan. After several attempts to sell him on the idea he said,

"So we get to sit and watch Dad paint. Kind of like watching a movie."

I brushed off his comment thinking that once we got there everyone would fall into line and the plans would come off according to the plan.

-- Long story short ---

My bubble of fantasy burst quickly in the Saturday sun.

  • 10 min. in (job 0% complete) - reiterate everyone's positions
  • 20 min. in (job 0.2% complete) - see if louder voice improves compliance of helpers
  • 30 min. in (job 0.21% complete) - ignore tattling competition that ensues
  • 40 min. in (job 0.72% complete) - abandon post every 30 seconds to redirect team focus
  • 50 min. in (job 0.42% complete) - meltdown worse than the 2 year old screaming near the curb
  • 60 min. in (job 1% complete) - Send Jessica home with the kids and sigh deeply in relief

It only took me ~7 more hours (thanks to Jessica) to finish the job after the "help" left. It was discouraging when I realized how far off I was on my job duration estimate. I was relieved to finally finish by dusk.

But see how good it looks? I'm sure we can rent it for $25 more a month! (It's available in November...any takers?)


Paige said...

Um, I think you missed the point of Labor Day. It's not for labor. It's for laying around, eating donuts, watching movies, and taking naps. At least for us. Maybe a little dip in the pool. I'm glad you have Jessica and the kids to temper your fierce work ethic.

It's too bad that you can't be a slum lord anymore with that nice rental.

Celia Fae said...

Please send Jessica back. She doesn't try and confuse me with percentages.

When are we going to see the pictures of you in the skirt???

Nortorious said...

Where's your house?
Blogging is like watching sports for women. At least it's free.

Erika said...

maybe you could move the kids into the housel... get them to come up with the rent money. Kind of a "Kid Nation" reality show that actually pays you.