(Sorry no pictures, as we are without our computer, but aren't you thrilled I'm blogging on vacation?)
We'll do some of the week's highlights:
Parent Teacher Conferences
Besides the fact that the kids are on half days for like a month (okay, 6 days, but it seems like forever...nothing throws off your day like a half day), the conferences were enjoyable. Emma is a smart girl, hard worker and as her teacher said, "comes to school eager to learn". I read one of her journal entries and she was writing something and in the middle she wrote this: (deep breath) to illustrate feeling anxious about something. It was darling and I just saw future blogger written all over it. Gabe is also doing well...he's a young second grader, but I was happy to hear he's reading on grade level this year. He's good at math and got extra notice from his music teacher for being so well behaved in music class...it's from all those hours in Primary Singing time, right? Basically, I just left that room feeling SO grateful that my kids are blessed with such good teachers.
Million hour drive to California
So we obviously arrived and actually it went really well. Seth buckled Elmo safely into his own chest buckle (kind of like a baby bjorn) and rode a good four hours that way. It's nice to know EVERYONE in the car was safe. A big Dollar Store toy hit was the frog guns that shot foam discs...bought me a good 45 minutes of happy violence in the back of the car...it stopped when all of the discs had been shot up front at me, where they were un-retrievable. We only stopped for one meal and even for that meal, Emma suggested a drive through (again, following in her mother's footsteps). We arrived in 14 and 1/2 hours and then poured into my dad and Genie's house and proceeded to bounce of the walls for an hour (sorry, guys!)
Other notable events:
Seth thought everything was "a-skusting". "Mom, this owie a-skusting." or "Mom, Katie a-skusting."
Jane had the temper tantrum of her life (because she got a consequence for crying for no reason). Serious gurgling, kicking, screaming, ripping clothes off. Seth, of course, wanted to know "What wrong a Jane, Mom?"
A yummy Sunday dinner at Grandma Nut's house and church (Ryan's parents live in the ward I grew up in) where everyone told me I look just like my mother.
We're glad we're here on vacation and hopefully it will provide a WAY more interesting summary next week. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Wardrobe Capsules For Your Life
1 day ago
A fourteen hour drive sounds a-skusting. Call me tomorrow. I promise I won't bite you.
Holy shmoly you are superwoman!! What a feat (noun:an achievement requiring great courage, skill, or strength) you accomplished. That deserves a fabulous week...hope you have a great Tday!!
14 hours? I think I ADORE you because that would cause me to have a nervous breakdown. I get very very scared on roadtrips when I'm the one driving. Wow.
Congratulations on surviving and spending time with family.
Please try to bring me up at least once per hour when you have fun get togethers with MY FRIENDS!
I'm so jealous. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Eat extra for me as there will be no harvest feast for me this year.
You are a better woman than I.
I think I would rather poke my eye out with a sharp stick than drive 14 hours alone with my kids! And buying a toy that shoots things around the car while you are trying to drive and keep your sanity? I'm going to get the sharp stick, just thinking about it!
Have a fun time! Hey, there was a TINY bit of snow on my barbeque and some on the top of the small mountain we can see from the back of our houses, this morning. I guess you got out just in time.
See you soon!
Can't wait to see you tomorrow! I'm so glad you are here. Seth is going to want Bea's new Elmo toy.
I wish I knew, I just left Tracy this morning!! I was there for the weekend because I will not be there next weekend, so I flew up and spent time with the family and played with my cute nephew! Have a great holiday and Yes, you are totally beyond brave to travel with that many kids in a car for that many hours?! simply amazing!
I'm dying for photos. I hope all those grandparents sufficiently spoil the kids and give you a break for an afternoon to go shopping or something fun alone. And - where is Ryan?
I'm glad you made it safe and somewhat sane. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
I'm dying that you made such a long trip. I mean, we've done it before but I don't have fond memories of it. See you tomorrow at Celia's!
Glad you made it safe!!! And see you later today, although I might be tired since it is 4:40am as I am writing this. Pregnancy insomnia sucks!!!!
Wow...what a brave woman you are. Happy Thanksgiving and say hi to all those cool blogging people out there.
May is saying the same exact "a-skusting"! Even when it's about dinner it's soooo cute!
What is a-skusting? Etruscan? Augustan? I don't speak midget yet. I can only interpret grunts.
So, what did you think of Mimi? Pretty freaking cute, no?
Silly girl. You could have borrowed our DVD player. It really is one of those items that I seriously want to give thanks for as we give the mandatory safety prayer before setting out on the road.
Do you do those bum squeezes while driving? I do some of those to make me feel a bit better about the food I'm shoveling into my mouth in order to pass the time.
that party over at celia's looks like so much fun. can't believe what a hoot it must've been. happy thanksgiving. have a great vaca.
I'm sorry I missed the chance to meet you at the blog party! It's true, I actually was invited to the party, just never knew the actual date. Doesn't a casual verbal invitation deserve a written follow-up??!!
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