Saturday, July 28, 2007

Girls v. Boys

We've had a fun week! My very nice sisters-in-law (one from Utah, one from Washington) met each other halfway, in Dillon, Montana, and swapped cousins. Elizabeth (Utah) took all the boys over age 5--including mine-- and Heather (WA) came back with all the girls. I think the Utah and Washington contingents had very different weeks. Each contained the late sleepovers, outings to waterparks and amusement parks, and lots of fun food but this is where the similarity ends.
The Girls week included:
1. Pedicures
2. Playing School
3. Having hurt feelings
4. Getting up-dos while watching "So you think you can dance?" with Aunt Jessica.

The Boys week included:
1. A rodeo
2. Play clothes (Gabe had a very detailed explanation about why he was packing such junky clothes.)
3. Not missing their moms
4. Playing a made-up tag game every spare minute. (While we were talking to him on the phone one day, Gabe said: "Oh Dad, I have to go, they just found me.")

Next summer, we'll do a mommies and daddies week. Any ideas what that blog would sound like?

1 comment:

Celia Fae said...

THAT is a terrific idea. Girls vs. boys. Next year have parents vs. kids. The kids get one destination and the adults get the other. Could you pay a babysitter enough? Cute updos, BTW.