Sunday, July 29, 2007
Good things that happen when you are alone in your house for 43 hours
When you are alone in your house...
1) It stays cool because a)your kids do not open their bedroom windows during their naps and yell at their friends and leave them open so your upstairs is roasting by 5 pm. b) You also do NOT leave the door open every time you walk through it. c)You also do not heat the house because you do not have to make meals.
2) You buy yourself a huge takeout Pad Thai meal and eat it for three meals in a row and love it because you never get it because your husband and kids don't like it.
3) You read an entire book (the other side of the bridge by Mary Lawson...this is book review number 3...I liked it and would recommend it) while you ride the exercise bike at the gym for an hour to work off the Pad Thai you keep eating.
4) You watch So You Think You Can Dance without having to fast forward the skanky costumes and too-sexy moves that you don't want you 8, 6, and 4 year old to see.
5) You clean the house for 5 hours while listening to Twilight on your computer because you aren't being constantly interrupting by kids who are supposedly helping you clean the house.
6) Your house stays clean after aforementioned clean-up. THE WHOLE REST OF THE WEEKEND. You don't ever have to clean it up again, because you are not a big huge slob like the other people who usually live here.
7) You sleep till 8:45 am.
8) You listen to all of church and feel the Spirit the whole time because you didn't just pinch your 4 year old for various things she does to bug everyone during Sacrament meeting.
9) You visit teach without having to arrange babysitting or without having your kid hit your teachee's kid with a car.
10) You run every errand and do everything on your list without being interrupted by fighting, hunger, messes, poop or playdates.
11) You miss your kids a lot and get choked up whenever the picture album screensaver flashes a cute picture of them on the screen.
So there you go. I wish all of you a weekend like this once in your life.
I'm off to camp and teenage girls with crazy hair, stupid songs and lots of teary testimonies. I'm sure we'll have lots to say when we get back!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Girls v. Boys

Re-run: Quick Quote #7
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Riverfront Park

Oh yes, it's #2

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Please Don't Feed the Monster!
Friends of Jessica - let's not encourage my book monster. She needs no encouragement to read. All of your comments supporting her book lust are not helping. I wake up, all too often, to find her hung-over from reading until the wee hours of the morning after the rest of us have long since gone to bed. If you do not desist from your harmful course, then when I get the calls from a mad woman with too many kids and not enough sleep, I will be forwarding them on to you (Cami, Paige, Carie, Adrianne, etc. ... you know who you are)! Beware.
(Posted by Ryan)
1 down

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Re-run: Quick Quote #6
Confessions of a Reader-holic
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Extreme Makeovers
I just got the cutest haircut!
So I told my mom I wanted to get a haircut.
She said yes.
I was thrilled.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Semi-professional won ton makers

Quick Quote #5 (re-run post)
Monday, July 16, 2007
The ants go marching ...
Friday, July 13, 2007
Dumb Dad

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Just so you know
Today is a crapalicious day.
#1--my kids are totally bugging me. Either arguing every decision I make (of course, Emma, oldest daughter--just like me), fighting with the neighbor girl all day or complaining about her "before dinner" job, starting at 7am when she wakes up (Jane) or crying since he woke up from his nap 2 hours ago (Seth--nothing is helping, I'm holding, feeding, isolating, putting him in the backyard--still crying)...they're driving me insane. Give me a minute and I'll figure out what Gabe is doing wrong, too. Oh I know today he was tormenting Jane with "crybaby, crybaby, stick your head in pie-baby." See...very annoying.
And THEN...we decided to meet Ryan for lunch at a park downtown, when mid-trip we get in a fight via cell phone. So I turn around halfway there and drive home. We make up 10 minutes after I get home and then I regret all afternoon that I didn't get to see him.
AND it's 100 degrees here and so no one can be outside unless they are wet. Which my kids are, but not until after I searched the whole house for the right swimsuit for Jane and found out the hose had been run over, so we can't hook it up to the fun sprinkler thing.
So when I finally get them outside (Seth is still howling all over the house--he's not sick, so don't think that and feel sorry for him--but I ignore it) and so I try to straighten up. I go into the kids' bathroom and in their little toilet area, where it's a million degrees and the door has been shut, there is a poopy diaper that begins to stink up the whole upstairs. I've, of course, told people not to put diapers there, but NO ONE ever listens to simple instructions that benefit the whole house, do they?
Luckily I am having a pre-birthday outing sans aforementioned annoying family, so hopefully I will like them all (I already like you, Ryan, so don't get mad when you read this) when I get home.
So there's not-perfect for you.
(wait...Seth has stopped crying because I plopped him in front of Jane's tub of My Little Ponies(usually contraband for Seth), so maybe things are looking up!)
I love Spokane but...
Saturday, July 7, 2007
It's been a long time...
11. Swimming. Lots and lots of swimming, in pools, lakes and parks.
10. Our return trip home. We loved Utah (see numbers 8-2) but we were excited to see Ryan, who remained home (see number 1), and get back to our routine. I am a hardcore road tripper and we had a personal best on the way home: 730 miles in (drumroll, please) 9 hours and 50 minutes! I had lots of snacks, a TV/VCR and kids with awesome bladders. I didn't even go more than 8 miles over the speed limit!
9. The 4th of July. We had a great time at our little Liberty Lake parade and out at the Daines lakehouses for dinner and fireworks. I tried not to be too Mommy Dearest about the 4th of July outfits and pictures, but it was not easy. Jane does not look at a camera ever and Seth's Old Navy shirt surfaced this morning--not to mention all the drooling of parade candy.
Here's the result:

8, 7, 6, 5. Visits to our favorite Utah spots.
Thanksgiving Point (my favorite place ever--we go every visit)

Liberty Park (we love the balls, the canyon replicas, the waterpark area, the Tracy Aviary) but we have no picture. Too bad, because Jane screamed for 20 minutes (seriously) because I couldn't find her swimsuit and then when she'd finally calmed down, it was in my purse. I started crying then...that would have been a good picture.
Hogle Zoo--the perfect size of zoo. We went with my brothers, sis in law, mom, aunt and cousins.
This is the Place Heritage Park--we really got the pioneer experience. It was 103 degrees as we tromped from schoolhouse to church (see picture) to smelly stable. The kids loved doing pioneer chores, making candles and learning pioneer school lessons.
4. Church on Sunday. We remembered being a part of a great ward and our wonderful lessons and Sacrament meeting confirmed it. We miss you guys!
3. Eating with the Nelson side of the family. We had a fun Sunday dinner and a fun lunch at Buca Di Beppo. (I also enjoyed the requisite Cafe Rio and Sweet Tomato trips--Utah has way better restaurants than Spokane).
2. The visits with Romneys. Ryan's sisters all live in Utah and we had a couple of fun visits just hanging out at houses while kids played and eating Lemon Meringue Pie (Happy Birthday Betsy). I have the BEST in-laws ever and my kids love their cousins. We have no pictures since I was using my sister's camera and she didn't come. Boo!
This week my husband has mowed the lawn, watched movies, done the dishes, come home at 5:15, rollerbladed with the kids--none of which were possible when he was working on his thesis 20 hours a week. We are so proud of him!
Thanks for reading our update...I kept trying to get my humorist husband to write commentary (he's so much funnier) but he was too busy trying to find a lab coat for his Russian scientist costume we are wearing to a "How to Host a Murder dinner" tonight...anyone out there with a lab coat?