Monday, March 31, 2008
The good thing about Morning Sickness
1) dealing with infertility
2) irritated with the not-so-fun parts of pregnancy or
3) have any inkling of ANY baby that needs the best parents I know
Go here.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Spring in the Northwest
Quick Quote #21
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Midnight Visitor
So why is it that for the last 2 months, this little thing:
ends up in our bed most nights of the week?
How do you say no to the soft skin, sweet little hugs, and "Puh-leeeze?"s that creep into our room every night around 2am?
(We've gone soft! Don't tell Dr. Ferber. )
Monday, March 24, 2008
Monday Summary
Events that need documenting:
I meet Bridget.
You'd think that two bloggers hanging out for the first time would actually take pictures. But no. Ours had no working batteries and Bridget didn't think of it, till we were running out the door to catch our plane. You'll just have to believe us that we met.
We had the best time. Her house is beautiful, her kids were beautiful and SUPER friendly, and her husband was such a great guy. She made us dinner (no, I actually had just thrown up, Bridget, so I was feeling better...) and she and I had no problem talking the night away. It would be wonderful to live by her and hang out regularly.
Portland trip
So, Portland was beautiful (despite the weather) and the company treated us so well. We ate lots of yummy food and stayed in a gorgeous hotel.
But it just so expensive to live there. To get a house like the one we have now (in a cul-de-sac, with good schools and some sort of yard), we'd have to spend $200,000 more! It was so depressing...not to mention nauseating, as we wove in and out of streets, while I tried to navigate us. Blech. We finally chucked the house-hunting and spent the rest of the afternoon walking around downtown Portland.
Ryan got his offer from the company. He should get another offer on Thursday, from a Spokane company and we'll compare and be ready for a final decision, hopefully, by then.
Ryan puts on a party
When Ryan does his Elder's Quorum activities, I have at least three people say to me: "I'm sure it was YOU who did such a good job on this." Um, no. All the organizing, decorating, creativity....all him. It was fun, well-attended and had really good food. (Potluck! Yay!)
(Okay, this picture makes it look boring--thanks Greg--but it was super fun).
Easter SaturdayWe started out the day with some Easter Egg coloring:
proceeded to the Ward Easter Egg hunt, at someone's gorgeous mountainous yard:
Ryan and I then enjoyed a nice dinner with Ryan's mom (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for babysitting the kids while we were gone) and Heather and Kevin.
Easter Sunday
I miraculously felt good yesterday, which was a blessing because between choir practice, choir performance (which included a solo), having to find last minute nursery help, cooking Monkey Bread, Cheesy Potatoes, Strawberry, Key Lime and Lemon Pie...I didn't have time to be sick. Or take pictures. I sent Emma down, before church, to take them for me. This is what she came up with:
We had a nice Easter dinner with the Daines and Ryan's uncle Doug and Aunt Marcie.
During our Easter lesson, we asked the kids why we celebrated this holiday. Jane's answer? "Because Henly Fader told the Eastoh Bunny to come and he obeyed." Obviously, the true meaning of Easter being a little lost around here.
Stay tuned for more job/moving news and whining about nausea.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Like Rabbits...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Change of Plans
Monday, March 17, 2008
How to overcelebrate a minor holiday
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday Summary
We are reading the Poppy series by Avi and so they were Poppy (Emma, with little ear buns, whiskers and a pink nose) and Rye (Gabe, with a furry hat, notched ear, and similar whiskers and nose).
We also had Miles,2, our cousin, over for an hour on Monday. Jane informed me (with Miles sitting in the car) that "I don't really like Miles, Mom, but I won't say that." Me: "Um, Jane, you just did." Jane: "I know, but now I won't say it again, because you will say it is a mean sing to say." Upon arrival home, she proceeded to play with him the entire time.
Emma also decided that she was done with piano on Monday. Her friends came over to ask her for a bike ride...and a lifetime of piano-playing was tossed out the window. Except I wouldn't let her, even though I was informed VERY emphatically that: "It's my choice, MOM!!"
On Tuesday, Emma and Gabe completed the much coveted (let's be honest, mostly by MOM) Reading is the Ticket Program, in which they receive a free ticket to the local amusement park if they read a certain amount. The month previous was filled with a bunch of (mostly idle) threats of "You are NOT going to Silverwood if you don't do this. I'm serious. Really. We'll get a babysitter and leave you home, because we can't afford to take this whole gaggle of kids to an amusement park. And you'll pay for the babysitter. I'm not kidding.) They were scared into submission.
On Wednesday, at Cub Scouts (Tammy will appreciate this) we learned about Litter to Glitter by reading children's conservation books, discussing how we can help and then Saving the Earth by collecting trash at our local park.
Friday we got to attend this Mexican fiesta:
at the Nebekers, where we ate steak, potatoes, rolls, spinach salad and asparagus. The plans for a fiesta were obviously changed, without the Albrechts knowledge, who came fully decked out and then forced the rest of us to dress-up and take pictures so they wouldn't feel dumb.
Saturday was filled with the usual chores, basketball games and Ryan/Jessica date. Most notable, however, was Seth's nightmare episode, in which this bear:

kept us all up for a good hour.
I heard Seth crying and came into his room to find the bear lying on his face. He, crying hysterically, told me: "The bear is eating me, mom." I dropped the bear to the side of the crib. Seth cried louder: "NO! Dat bear tan't wook at me mom." So I dropped the bear, down the stairs. Seth, relented a little, checking: "Did dat bear go back to his mom's house, now, mom?" I white-lied, "Yes, he's back at his mom's house." I kissed him, tucked him in and left.
He cried again, on and off, for another half hour. Each time I would go in, check what was wrong and he would say, "I'n dust fine, mom. I'n happy. I'n scared, mom." After an attempt to have him sleep by me, so he would calm down, during which he chatted with me for 10 minutes about the whole scary bear problem, I laid him down and instructed him to sing a Primary song if he was scared. Upon returning to my bed, I heard in the other room, at the top of his lungs, Seth singing "I'm a Child of God." He eventually went to sleep but upon coming downstairs in the morning, was re-traumatized that the bear was not ACTUALLY at "his mom's house". He took him downstairs, and returned upstairs, telling me" Dat scawy bear is watching Amewcan Idol, now, mom." We're hoping Simon scared the Scary out of that mean Care Bear and that we'll have a good night's sleep tonight.
Sweet Dreams (Care Bear-free), from the Romneys.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Blogging News
Profile Not Available

Isn't that the best?! I went around all day in the best mood when I finished it and sent it off. It was wonderful in real life. I have NEVER journaled (no one leaves comments in those!) or scrapbooked (hate projects) and besides random notebooks here and there and a big pile of pictures in my basement, we had little tangible memories of our happy little life. (It was surprisingly affordable. I got 66 pages, hardcover, for about $45 after tax and shipping.)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Weekly Story Corner #5
(We can't seem to get these to get larger for the reading audience so here's the translation:
Jessica Buttercup Sherrill,
I, Ryan Park Romney, on the twelfth day of February in the nineteen hundred and ninety seventh year of our Lord, Challenge you to face me, man to woman. Due to the shame which has brought upon myself, the many members of my family (immediate and extended), and the good citizens of my blessed homeland of Tracy, I am forced to restore my honor by challenging you to a duel. While you are probably querying yourself about the manner in which you have inflicted such great injustices upon us, I feel that justice can only be truly served if you are forced to see the embarrassment which you have inflicted upon us. Thus your false pretense of such innocence may be unmasked as you meet your demise. I have made countless attempts to court you properly, in hopes that one day I would have the satisfaction of coming to our home only to be met by your found embrace. Such hopes, I have come to see, are the whims of a foolish romantic. I can endure rejection, but the blatant humiliation with which you torture me is more than my honor can bear. Thrice spurned by you, I feel it my duty to resolve the matter once and for all. The honor of my family and home land has been equally tarnished by association.
Therefore, as you fancy yourself a woman of great wisdom and learning, I feel that in all fairness to you, we should meet on your terms. Thus let it be sounded throughout all the city, that I will meet you are a distance of three paces with nothing betwixt us save it be honor, one-sided love, and a Trivial Pursuit board. If you perchance by some stroke of luck emerge victorious, then you will no longer be pestered by my undying love. Yet, when I have claimed the victory, then you r hand will finally be given me in marriage. I find this the only logical path towards an ultimate resolution of our star-crossed fates. So, if you be woman enough to meet me, I will meet you at the twenty-first hour of the thirteenth day of February in the nineteen hundred and ninety-ninth year of our Lord.
--Ryan P. Romney)
In response, I found the following missive waiting for me when I returned home the next day.
(Translation #2:
Sir Romney,
Being much grieved on the receipt of your plaintive message, I feel compelled to reply in haste. Forgive me for what may have seemed unkind rejections. I am, as thou canst see, a woman much occupied with teenage students and hungry travelers. Thus, my time for social romps is much limited. Many a night, I have retired to my bed much exhausted by work, rather than entertainment. Do not think yourself the object of my scorn or that I am at all wearied by your kindly requests--in fact, your invitation are, by far, the ones I look most forward to receiving. This is due to the much laughter I experience in your company. Please use this letter as a salve to your wounded pride and extend my apologies to those in your family affected by my unknowing injuries to their honor.
Having thus said, I am worried on only one point. IN your letter you requested my company for one day and two years hence. I was much grieved when I read that you think to see me on the thirteenth day of February in the year nineteen hundred and ninety-NINE. Perchance, may we meet earlier? Like, maybe tomorrow? If not, I truly understand, due to my many rejections, that you may be nursing resentful feeling towards me and feel to punish me by this long absence. If, in fact, you would capitulate and assent to a meeting of the minds on the night after this one--I would be most glad.
I must warn you, however, that your pride may be hurt once again. I am a formidable opponent in the game of Trivial Pursuit and upon thoroughly destroying you, I fear I may lose your friendship. Keep this in mind as you approach the game!
If everything is understood, then I will anticipate your phone call around the twenty-first hour. Let the games begin!!!
Your humble servant,
Fair Jessica)
Jessica did not fail to impress. At one point she got some ridiculous geography question about some Chinese river. “I wouldn’t know this one either” I admitted after encountering the answer for the first time. I knew I wanted to marry her when she easily bust out the “Yangtse River.” Simply phenomenal.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
There she goes again...
If that wasn't enough, Ilene, has also decided to spotlight the Romneys. Head over to her blog to salivate over her yummy pot pie (and also to view me for the 5th time in my Blog Outfit).
See, when you are ALL OVER the don't need to do anything on your own blog.
Quick Quote #20
Monday, March 10, 2008
You'll be in my heart
But this one's a little different.
5 years ago today, while I was pregnant with Jane, Brooke (Ryan's sister) and Spencer gave birth to Braxton. He was born with a severe heart defect and was, within the hour, life-flighted to the nearby children's hospital in Pennsylvania. Braxton lived for 6 months, never leaving the hospital and changing all of our lives forever.
Because of his birthday, I have learned better
- how important and real my belief in the Resurrection is
- that I truly KNOW families can be together forever
- that God knows us, and orders our lives and we are safe in His hands.
- that He will bring amazing peace during trials as we seek Him
I so wish he was here to play with his other 5 year old cousins, Elise and Jane, on his birthday. I am glad that I know where he is, and that someday we will all be able to give him a big birthday hug.
We love you, Braxton!
(Brooke and Spencer have been blessed since with hilarious and cute Carter and Abby. Go here for a sweet slide show chronicling Braxton's life.)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Sunday Summary
First of all, I apparently do not take enough pictures of Gabe. This one is from a month ago (though he did wear this shirt this week). Second of all, Gabe rips holes in jeans like they are tissue paper. We went on a little date on Friday to pick more out. I'm hoping they last till next Friday. Third of all, he was the VIP in Primary today and brought an x-ray (to signify his MANY bone breakages), a soccer ball (to represent his love of sports. If you could see me right now, you'd see a questioning look in my eyes, but don't tell Gabe) and a flash card (because he's really good at math. That one's for real). I tried to make him show some Uno cards (because Gabe loves games) but he wouldn't because it said on the card to bring 2-3 things and that was number 4. Where did that extreme rule -following come from anyway?
Jane got to accompany dad to work again on Friday. When they are closing down your job, they don't care if you let your 4 year old do it.
Here's my favorite picture of Seth from the week.
I'd made cookies and had left the kitchen. When I came upstairs, he was naked and holding a BIG ball of dough. This illustrates the difference between me and a two year old: about the only time I don't want to be holding a big ball of cookie dough, is when I can easily see the havoc wreaked by too many dips into the batter. Not Seth. That kid needs all the dough he can get.
Also, after months of very bad hair due to (equally?) disastrous hair appointments with Jane and Ryan, we took Seth in for a real haircut. He's now cute again.
Ryan started his part-time job this week. It's called Being the Ward Clerk. But everyone is so super supportive here at home, so don't even worry about me. We did get some time to watch Our Mutual Friend (which you should only watch if you love those slow, British, history movies that never have an attractive person in them. Which we do, so we LOVED it. Really, it was good, if you like Jane Austen-ish stuff). We also had a lovely, relaxing date to Dockside at the Coeur d'Alene Resort, which has ice cream sundaes bigger than your head. Seriously. We love that place.
You want to come with us sometime?
Friday, March 7, 2008
A snake, a doll with no clothes, a stuffed dog, a bag of puzzle pieces...
Let's play...shall we?
Our first picture is of the items/junk Gabe had procured for his "White Elephant Sale" at school. (His teacher pays them play money for good behavior and school work and then twice a year they can bring items/junk from home and sell it to unsuspecting/dumb second graders). After attempting to locate pieces to several baby puzzles (what 7 year old wants that?) and begging his sister to let him sell some of her BuildABear clothes (ha!)--this is the pile he came up with.
Now I know what you are thinking. I know, because I thought it last year, when Emma (who had the same teacher) prepared for her first "White Elephant Sale" at school. You are thinking: "What a great way to get rid of some lame, junky toys!"
Please view the following picture of what Gabe brought home from school:
(This is where the game starts...
1. What is missing?
2. What is new?
3. In the total count, did the household end up with more or less junk?
You know what? I'll make it easy on you. Here are the answers:
1. It doesn't matter what is missing because
3. The only reason we might have come out ahead was because he got a ton of junk food and the remnants of those (though, truly, smeared on my stairs) can be disposed of.
Do you think Gabe's teacher has a hard time keeping a straight face as he writes his first letter home about this activity?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Weekly Story Corner #3
Later, he mentioned to his older sister that he had seen me at the basketball game. He also mentioned that I wasn’t alone. Suddenly, he was fielding questions about who I was with, how close were we sitting together and whether or not we looked like “girlfriend and boyfriend,” etc. To this day, I have a soft spot for my brother-in-law Nate.
Retail is known for using the “One Day Sale” to create an impetus to close a sale by creating the perception that the deal is too good to last. I became the unwitting beneficiary of this primal female reaction. Within 48 hours, my phone began to ring.
I had actually gone to sleep early that night. Luckily my mom was the one who picked up the phone. My dad has an unpredictable streak, and can not be counted on to appropriately handle important phone calls. I have to share an example:
One Sunday afternoon when I was about 17, I told my family that a certain girl was supposed to call and that it was IMPORTANT!! I was going to take the traditional Sunday snooze. Everyone was thoroughly informed that they should wake me up when she called. I was woken up about an hour later by my dad coming into my room saying,
Dad: “Uh Ryan, … JaneDoe just called.”
Me: “Okay … give me the phone”
Dad: “Oh, I told her you couldn’t come to the phone because you were asleep.”
Me: (completely baffled) “Whu-huh? … why are you waking me up to tell me this then?”
Dad: “I just thought you would want to know.”
This is why I'm glad my mom answered the phone...She knew the importance of this call and decided to come wake me up before hanging up on the caller. I was awoken by her urgent whispering that Jess-i-ca was on the phone. Bleary eyed I picked up the phone and asked “are you calling to tell me that you love me?”
Jessica is the only girl I have ever seen that could make a Saturn look sexy
Jessica informed me that she had just purchased a new car and that it was in need of a test drive. Quickly, I seized the much-sought-for opportunity and a date was made for the following afternoon. The date baited me back in. It was time to raise the stakes.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Deja Vu
- We live in the same town.
- We have the same friends calling and dropping by with job leads and concern. (When Megan Guinn came over and started listing all the ideas her husband had--exact same scenario as last time--I was a little spooked.)
- We are again contemplating having another child.
- We have friends again doorbell ditching us with goodies to lift our spirits. (Cute things like: "We hope you SKOR a job really QUIK". After Ryan accidently came home during a delivery--and discovered to REALLY cute little girls with a deer-in-the-headlights look leaving our door, the next delivery of Smoothie ingredients included this message: "ORANGE you glad you have such SMOOTHIE and sneaky friends?" So unnecessarily nice. Another example:).
- I am still SO grateful to be married to Mr. BudgetSaver.
- We have felt the same Peace that everything will be alright.
Luckily, a few things are different:
- Ryan's brother in law wasn't the one firing him. (Thanks, Kev.)
- 6 words: Masters Degree, 5 more years experience.
- A MUCH better economy for high-tech jobs.
- It will NOT take 8 months this time (please please please)!
Ryan actually has lots of possibilities (GOOD ones) and has been grateful for a chance to re-tool his career plan.
I am just grateful for all the treats the Albrechts left us.
In fact, their week is done...anyone else up for providing a nightly Romney dessert?? We promise not to catch you... I wouldn't want that scale to show lower numbers, or anything.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Su-Monday Summary