I was trying to make this recap extra exciting with my title. Did it work?
We’ve had the loveliest, warm, sunny fall (almost makes up for the CRAPPY early summer) and one day, I actually stopped in the MIDDLE OF MY LIST (!), and played in the leaves with Faith:

We continued our yearly tradition of heading up to Greenbluff (a community of farmers that put on fun fall fastivities) between soccer games one Saturday.
We ate:

The big kids did the corn maze:

The little kids did the hay maze (notice Faith’s favorite pose for the camera. ???):

but we didn’t have to spend a million dollars for pumpkins because…
this year we grew 9 in our OWN BACKYARD:

I made this lovely pizza, which is totally random to include in my October wrap-up but I make a BUNCH of yummy things that disappear in about 1/5 the time it takes me to make them, so I’m including this for posterity:

I also participated in a makeover/image consulting class for 6 weeks this fall and LOVED it. I just felt like as I move from young mom to not-young mom, I wanted to direction in how to look good with what I’ve been given.
Ali (from Biggest Loser fame) was the keynote speaker at our event. Here she is in the dressing room:

And here is one of my “After” shots:

I know, I look completely different. Just kidding. In this picture, I just look like my mom and her sisters. Am I right, Abbie? Erin? Bekah?
We also watched conference:

(I keep changing my favorite talks as I read and study them. The one about families and bearing children. No wait, the time management one. No, I know, the Forget Not one. So lucky to have prophets and apostles that give us inspiration and direction.)
We also did the regular:
Dental checkups (is Faith not hilarious in this picture?)

And participated in swim meets (I realize my Super Swimmer probably deserves a decent towel, but he’ll lose it anyway, so rags it is.)

Wasn’t that SO ROCKING? No? Well, I’m pretty wiped by the end of each day, so I don’t what your problem is….