Here’s some big events that we must discuss, from July:
Our City’s Fun Run:
Our kids are good runners. Gabe, especially, has taken to the sport and feels good about his endurance and ability. Last year, when I signed my kids up for the children’s race, Gabe was mad that I didn’t sign him up for the adult loop, which is 4 hilly miles. I told him that if he wanted to do it, he’d really have to train. He wanted to do it.
Starting in May, Gabe and I ran the course every Monday morning. It was great bonding time, especially with a less than loquacious 9 year old. He ran the loop in usually 40-44 minutes (which I thought was fabulous time, considering 1.5 miles of it is a steep uphill.) He felt ready for the race. On race day, he and I got started at a fast pace. He kept a slightly sub-9 minute mile pace for most of the race. At the end of the course, I talked to him a little about a “kick” and his uncle Matt, who was known for his powerful surges at the end of his cross country races. Gabe decided to try to “kick” at the end. With 1/10th of a mile left, he took off. I decided to try to catch him. It was a fun moment, as spectators cheered at him to “Beat your mom!”

He finished that course in 35:01!!

He got second place in the under 12 category and we were beaming with pride at his effort.
The girls ran the children’s course: 1/2 mile for Jane and 1 mile for Emma. They weren’t slouches either: Jane took 3rd place in her age group and Emma (with a 7:45! minute mile) finished 1st.

We love that our kids are active and strong and know how to push themselves toward a goal.

It was also fun the Grandma Dorrie was around to cheer us on (and help with Faith), especially since Ryan was in the hospital with Broken Arm Seth.
My Birthday:
These are the two things I have to say about my birthday
1) I really didn’t like turning 36. It rounds up to forty and is definitely not young. I was bothered by how much that age bothered me.
2) I really had a nice day. You know how you kind of decide you don’t care about your birthday, and you almost kind of wish it would go away, because it’s annoying that people have to plan stuff for you? Well, I’m glad it didn’t go away. I celebrated by sleeping in a little, going to a pool with some friends and our kids

and the next night went out to dinner and had dessert at our house with some of our best buddies.

I also had a bunch of people drop off goodies and small gift cards and little presents during that day and I just felt special and loved. Plus I also finally got some really good knives from Ryan, which I want to kiss every day while I’m cooking, because I’m so in love with them.
Trip to Utah:
We love visiting Utah, but, I must admit, it’s a little exhausting. Those of you with Utah ties know it’s great to visit because a million people you know live there, and it’s stressful to visit because a million people you know live there. We tried to see a few of the million:
Blog friends that have turned into FIRL (Friends in Real Life, for those of you not as hip as me to Internet lingo).
Ryan’s sister Betsy, who entertained us with milkshakes at 4:00pm (Jane asked her cousin: “does your mom do this every day?!),

fun tutus for the moms kids to make,

cherry picking and good conversation.
Ryan’s mission companion and family (no picture, bummer!)
And almost all of my siblings:

We did the obligatory BYU visit, where we had lunch at Stan’s:

reinforced the desire in my kids to be Cougars:

and did the Bean Museum scavenger hunt:

(who’s scarier when angry??)
I have to say…I was keenly aware as I wandered with 5 kids and stroller in tow, that when I went to BYU and saw alumni visiting, looking all tired and laden with messy looking kids, I decided I would never be that un-cool.

Oh well.
My mom also got married while we were there and the whole event had a sweet, peaceful feeling. Rick is a good man and we are delighted to have him in our family. Here are some pictures from the ceremony and the luncheon afterward. (Side note: My mom’s on a 3 week honeymoon trip in France, Italy, etc. How fun is that?!)

(The Romney grandkids at the ceremony)
(My brother Sam and his fiance, Stephanie, Bekah, Kelsie, Luke and Nate)

(Saying the words)

(Who needs a special Ring Bearer Pillow, when you have a pack of Trident to store the ring in, right Nate?)

(The Crazies eating a very yummy lunch at Johnny Carino’s)
Yay! I’m done with July’s summary.