Last Sunday I had a breakdown. Word to the wise: don't re-evaluate your life, the day you get home from a trip, when you are 9 weeks pregnant, right after your church's General Conference, when you have 3 church callings and 4 kids. I can barely control my life when I'm not sick, and being nauseated all day, with NO ENERGY and tons to do...was putting me over the edge. I asked my husband for a Priesthood blessing (click on the link if you don't know what that is). Not for any divine counsel; I just truly felt like I needed some major blessings over my way.
So Monday, I wake up and I feel amazing. It's a miracle! The blessing worked!! I get tons done, go to meetings that run short (!) and feel great all day. We get to go to Mallory's (our cousin's) 8th birthday party and drool over their family's fun cruise pictures.
I wake up Tuesday and I'm sick again. No miracle. Monday was just a little blessing of a day so I could feel semi-able to complete my life. I guess I'm going to actually continue sick, at least till that magical 2nd trimester begins.
On Tuesdays, I get to go help in Emma's class. I've never enjoyed helping a teacher so much. I work with 8-10 kids on their reading fluency, and I love it cause I walk in, grab my notebook and timer, without waiting around for the teacher to hand me something to do. I also love it, because I know the kids really well and I get to see progress each week. I get all teary (seriously, this was before pregnancy) when they score really well and have to try to hide it from them.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are sick blurs. My poor husband, who loves cleanliness and order, comes home from his job, only to do mine, if he wants to not have his head explode. I've had kind friends bring meals (best thing ever), and oldest children really help out. I've also read lots of books and lots of blogs.
The sad thing is, I feel okay in the morning (as long as I keep food in my tummy) and so I can get kids to school, a few errands run, I even had a birthday lunch with a friend...but by the time Ryan gets home, I'm so sick I can't get out of bed and he has to do everything. (He's doing a great job, by the way).
I was so sick, I even skipped a party at the Albrecht's house. And, ask my mom, I NEVER miss anything social--I was so afraid of being grounded and missing ANYTHING, it was the best punishment for me. So I had to include it, in the Weekly Summary, as a landmark event.
I had a little reprieve on Saturday, so I could go to my cookday activity and prepare 8 meals for the following week. While I was at that event, Emma scored 2 goals (first ever!) at her soccer game. Later that evening, we attended Mallory's baptism. Emma sang, after a small false start (she started the first verse, with the second verse's words, but was elbowed in the ribs by her duet-mate) and sounded beautiful. We enjoyed seeing Ryan's parents and hanging out with Daines relatives.
Sunday was a good day, too. Jane was assigned the scripture and prayer for Primary. She had it totally memorized. ("Fowh he that receiveth my sohvents, receiveth me. D&C 84:36") Until she stood up there. And proceeded to bawl. I kept encouraging her (I'm big on my kids learning how to speak by themselves) and after a few minutes she semi-pulled herself together and was able to repeat it after me and then give a weepy prayer all by herself. I took her outside afterward and told her how great it was that she didn't give up and that when someone gave her an assignment, she did it, despite her fears.
I realize that this whole Summary has had like 45 "I"s in it, because it's very self-centered. Sorry. Maybe I should have just written: "I'm pregnant-sick and my life revolves around it."
Also, as you can see, pulling out the camera and taking pictures, was simply more than I could muster.
Outfit Formula: A Side of Chartreuse
2 days ago
word to the wise:
never try to control your life.
you'll feel much better about it in the end.
hope you're feeling better soon!!
I was home sick Friday night too so no birthday cake for us either. What's with the morning sickness at 18 weeks? This one's gotta be a girl. My boys gave me no such trouble.
Of course, it is probably a boy.
Which is FINE but knowing that I could buy something pink would help me cope with the illness.
The post-trip blues are never fun, and pregnancy intensifies every emotion...yuck! I use the "survival" excuse a LOT when I'm pregnant, and it actually helps me cope with everything better. There is a time and a season for trying to be perfect, and pregnancy is neither the time nor the season! I say milk it for all its worth. p.s. I'm still milking it.
I can totally relate to the "NO ENERGY-husband having to do my job" bit. Sadly, there's been alot of that this whole pregnancy.
Hang in there.
It'll all be worth it in the end.
(Can I boast that MY end is 4 days away now??) :)
So sorry. Glad that your hubby is nice to help out and is understanding (as understanding as a man can be). You seem like a great person. :)
I enjoyed this I do all of your summaries :)
Sorry you are feeling so lousy.
3 callings! That is a heavy load! Even without morning sickness, 4 kids and being married to a guy with a huge calling. I am sending you nothing but well wishes and, "you can do it(s)".
I hope you are feeling a little better! Seriously, what are your 3 callings. You are the ward M.V.P
Jessica, I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling very well. My sister suffers from really bad morning sickness all during her pregnancy and I know how hard it is for her. Can we bring a meal or maybe just some non-barfy treats? Let us know!
Go easy on're growing a whole new human all on your own!
I was just glad to get your new post on my google reader (and your comments, too...thanks!). I did a little happy dance/applause thing when it popped up.
I'm glad you had her stick it out, too. My kids always do things perfectly at home with feeling, and then totally botch it up in front of everyone else. I must admit, I'm completely selfish, cause I just want to look like a good mom who worked with them. See, I totally get the "I" thing.
I really do feel so bad for people who get sick during pregnancy. I have even been less sick with this one than the other two.
I hope the next couple of weeks brings you no nausea.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one that this happens to. When I was pregnant with Eli I thought I was being melodramatic. This time I realized it is real and I'm not making things up. Pregnancy is hard on your body. It's a blessing, but man, it's hard. And there are days when I just want to scream because I really really really want to get back to being productive and not whine every time I have to bend over to pick something up. One month to go... (done venting)
Oh, Jessica. I am so sorry you're so sick. Thank goodness for Priesthood blessings. I don't know what I would do without them personally.
And 3 callings?? Girlfriend, what are the other women in your ward doing? Eating Bon Bons and watching the soaps?
You have a lot on your plate. If you were my neighbor I would totally have your kids over here for a long playdate so you could nap. Sigh....OK. I'm teasing. I'm over it, really.
I'm thinking you need a blessing every day. AND get your zofran. And phenergan. I feel really really bad for you and am so glad you are going thru this to remind me not to. I like that your summary is actually a summary, not just a "i've lost the funny" excuse to blog like mine.
I'm glad you have your husband. At times like this he's just so useful.
Your family is so cute. I can so remember being pregnant and having 4 little ones to take care of. Hang in there. It is sure to get better soon.
I hear you loud and clear Jess! I'm 17 weeks and still waiting for the magical day when it all gets better... in the mean time I'm truly miserable thinking this is how my life is going to be forever. Not fun.
It's not easy being green. Hang in there. The nausea has got to lighten up soon. Right?! (Were your other pregnancies this bad?)
I am sorry that you are so sick. May the end of the 12th week work it's magic and this phase will be over. (my worst nausea ended after week 12)
"I'm pregnant-sick and my life revolves around it"... pretty much sums it up... although it was great to read a little more than that ;)
my girls do the same thing when they are giving the scripture in primary. they memorize it and everything goes out of their brain the minute they stand up in front of the kids!
that second trimester couldn't come soon enough! sorry your feeling so yucky! it will soon be over!
Some weeks are just about survival. On those weeks, if you manage to survive (which you did), you win! Good job.
Jessica I am so sorry you are so sick! I was like that for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy. I couldn't even imagine having four other kids to care for. I just couldn't do it!!!
Sorry you're feeling lousy, but glad you are still blogging.
I haven't been sick, just tired and cranky, cranky, cranky. At least people still enjoy being around you.
And seriously, three callings? Do you need to remind your bishopric about Elder Ballard's talk?
I feel so bad for you! You have my pity and good thoughts.
Yeah, I spent the first 3 months of my pregnancy with Brooke on the couch.
Hooray for Ryan...every man needs to experience that at least once.
Now, get all your drugs in order and get better so we can have the time of our lives in a few weeks, K?
Sorry you are so sick! You deserve a breakdown. Lay low for awhile.
Wow, you sound so sick?! Wow, I did not remember you being this sick with all of your kids? Hope you feel better. I say eat pizza and fizzy drinks like fresca. That always makes me feel better.
You're a rock star. A sick week with 4 kids to ferry, entertain, feed, clean up after and generally be around sounds like torture to me. When I was sick with Isaac I was grateful every minute of every day for my maid. Sorry you don't live closer or I would send her to your rescue.
I'm sorry that you don't feel good. I have to say that it is nice to know that others get the pregnancy blues too.
So sorry you're of my pregnancies was like that and it was really hard. 3 callings??? That right there is enough to make you sick...hang in there!
I think you rock. I don't know how you do it with 4 kids!
Oh, and Heidi (sister) just asked me who I was most excited to meet at the Looza. I said you!
K, I didn't read the other comments so I could be repeating something,
But you GOTTA give yourself a break when you're pregnant. Cuz... it's hard. The whole sick part. It's the pits. Let your husband who likes to clean just DO IT and don't feel guilty.
I'm glad you asked for a priesthood blessing because those are amazing and they DO HELP... even if for just ONE DAY. I asked John for one when I was so sick with Faith pregnant and I wasn't sick for just a few hours at a function I really wanted to be to. And it was seriously a miracle.
Only a few more weeks...
My morning sickness alway came in the evening, too. So I thought, what a bummer... I can go to work ALL day (while I was pregnant with Aidan) but I could have no fun with Mike after work. In fact, half the time he had to sleep in another bed because I kept nagging him to hold still. I told him he could only breath deep enough to stay alive. No fun... but those times are almost through... oh yeah, but then your belly gets in the way... Which stage of pregnancy is suppose to be fun?
Your blog brought back only-too-recent memories. My advice is to seriously cut back on what you're doing. I hated doing it (I had several blessings from Dave this time too), but was much happier for it. I changed all my expectations of myself and was thrilled if I fed myself, my children and combed my hair. I need your e-mail address. Remember the cheesy bread you got me hooked on? I found another yummy version of that recipe.
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