We'll start with the birthday girl this week:
Her birthday started off with a birthday breakfast: cinnamon brown sugar crepes, bacon and orange julius. She got a Lunchable (thrilling!) for her lunch, along with donuts for her class. For her birthday dinner, she had Mom's homemade Four Cheese Macaroni and enjoyed not doing any of her regular jobs all day. No birthday would be complete without a million Daines cousins coming over for a family party and she got some great crafty ( blech! says her un-crafty mom) presents and an I-Dog that has become like a member of our family. She requested the Valentine's Parfaits for her birthday "cake". Here are some pictures of the day:
Gabe's class had a wax museum. This is where the kids sit as still as wax figures at their desks and then the visitors come and press the ink-drawn "button" on their thumbs and they recite every fact they have gleaned over the last 2 months about Arctic animals. Gabe's was the Arctic Wolf (or fox...don't tell him I'm not sure) and we would have a picture, if the mom who took the picture hadn't left on a Bahamas cruise yesterday. Rude. Speaking of rude, Ryan and Gabe attended a Monster Truck Jam (say this in your best LOUD gravelly car-salesman voice, please) yesterday. Ryan has a post all planned, so I won't spoil his fun.

Jane is my resident play-group "Cruise" director. Basically, when it's our turn to host Seth's play group, I smile at the door when the mom drops the 2 year old off and remove their coats, and then turn them over to Jane's capable hands. Every once in a while, a line of kids (following Jane like ducklings) traipses through the main area, but that's about all I have to do with it. Apparently she decided they needed "Picture Taking Time" because I had quite a few shots like this:

on my camera. I basically am around as Bouncer and Waitress. Jane leads them in rousing games of "Jump from the couch to the ottoman" and My Little Ponies. She's the best. (The following picture has nothing to do with this paragraph...it's just cool).
Seth is in the super fun "I do it" phase. You know, the one where if you shut the bedroom door to sing him bedtime songs, he begins crying hysterically that he didn't get to shut the door, so you have to let him walk back over to the door so he can open it and then shut it himself? The one where he will cry like a mad-man if he can't shut the van door, which is only a huge problem because he can only shut the van door if he's OUT of the car seat, which then makes YOUR placing and buckling him in the carseat an impossibility?
that super-fun phase.
He also has this really dysfunctional relationship with the neighborhood dog, Mocha. Mocha is the nicest (if LEAST supervised and kept-in-her-yard) dog ever. She must have severly traumatized Seth last summer because he is terrified of her. The thing is, he will repeat, maniacally and on the verge of tears, how NICE Mocha is. It's disturbing. Example: the other day, the kids were all playing outside and he was standing by the upstairs window watching them. I asked if he wanted to play outside and he replied, "No, cause Mocha's so nice." The child is messed-up. (don't tell Seth Mocha's following him in these pictures...)
Ryan is continuing as husband/father of the year as he 1) attended Monster Truck Jam and 2)orchestrated the best Valentine's Day ever. (I know you're all shocked). He started with this candlelight breakfast:

and then met me and Seth for a haircut/lunch date: (note the red Valentines day attire)

and then had envelopes that looked like this:

instructing the kids on how to have a proper Valentines date that included dinner:


and games:

It was so fun and he did a great job.
We also had a FUN FUN Saturday night, with our kids at the family dance. It was 50s (Ryan says every family church activity is 50s) and so this is what we looked like:

On a lame, but necessary, note: Ryan's division at work is being shut-down in the next month. It was a complete shock and not good news, but we have a few leads here in Spokane and are feeling very okay about the whole thing. So add us to your prayers and we'll keep you updated.