Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!
3. When we got your shirt and shorts for you. (Ryan was not present, of course, at the buying of his Father's Day presents, by apparently it's Jane's favorite memory.)
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Cutting your hair ...

Friday, June 15, 2007
Technical Difficulties ...

Unfortunately I came home to Jane crying in her room because she had been busted for breaking a few rules that we have instituted over the past few months:
(... 1st day owning our camera) The camera is not a toy ... do not play with the camera.
(... 2nd day owning our camera) You are never, for any reason whatsoever to touch the camera.
(... last day of owning our camera) Please don't take the camera when mom is not looking and go outside to snap pictures of your friends playing tetherball and then throw the camera down in the gravel/dirt area where the tetherball pole is and then forget about the camera leaving the poor little guy for dead.
Okay so maybe we hadn't verbalized that last rule, but we thought it was inferred. So we need to replace our 3 month old camera before we can post anymore photos. We were hoping to get feedback from you guys on what camera's (brand & model) you have and how you feel about them. Our cannon a540 never seemed to take pictures quite as sharp as other cameras, so we are looking for feedback on how you have liked your cameras.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Spotlight on Gabe (6.75 years old)
Sunday, June 10, 2007
The famous Liberty Lake yard sales
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Boyfwend ...
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Not for the narcoleptic ...
Oh, whatever. It will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me, that I think everything I have to say is fascinating. That's why I go on and on, while Ryan is nudging me in the side. Thanks for participating in one more mode of Jessica-expression. --Jessica