Saturday, March 23, 2013

February Instagrams


Location: Walmart


Welcome Home #startingwithmyleastfavoritejobfirst



Early morning trip to the grocery store. #wehaveabarfer






I buy her plane ticket and she shops, sews, paints, advises, builds for 4 days.  #doesthatseemlikeafairtradetoyou? #whywevebeenfriendsfor24years



Project #13.  Ryan keeps asking why we can’t just buy something and keep it in the state in which it was purchased. #thatwouldbetooeasy



Sheleftmetomyowndevices.  Love her! #picturescomingwhenitsdone


Location: Chez Romney


Everyone’s FAVORITE Valentine tradition. #pinkparfaits



Birthday girl enjoying her birthday dinner at 4:00 because she has a full night ahead of her.  #howintheworldisshefourteen


Location: Chez Romney


I don’t do fancy valentines or boxes (those involve paper craftin, blech) but I DO do fancy Valentines breakfasts #heartshapednutellafrenchtoast



Valentines shirts! #emmarejectedmypurchasebecauseherfriendsarematchingtoday


Location: no potential boyfriends live here


Emma got these roses from two boys are school.  Barf. #timetohomeschool



Emma’s birthday party, decor, games, cookie decorating.  #mostlylotsofscreamingandtalkingaboutboys


Location:  Post Falls Park


It’s such a bonus when the weather is nice on a No School Day #oldschoolparksarethefunnest



The 14 step/49 minute process Ryan goes through to hang three pictures.  #imnotexaggerating #thisiswhyhesanengineer


Location: Idaho centennial trail


38 degrees, 15 mile bike ride to a picnic in the park with our long lost Nebeker friends. #onlyus #makehaywhilethesunshines #orwhateverthatphraseis



I read the bedtime story longer if someone rubs my feet. #imagenius  #lopsidedrub


Location: Zibby’s house

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Highlight of my month: my book club where we actually discuss the book


Location:  where the meanest mom lives

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Someone paying me for his ride to school after he missed the bus, due to misplaced shoes. #imexpensive #heSWEARSheputthemintheshoecubbie #loveandlogic


Location: Sushi Maru

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Big kids and dad are night skiing so we are on an adventure: Trying sushi for the first time.  #notbigfans #yet


Location: Brunts

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Mom/Daughter bookclub—great activity for middle children who need more mom time #phantomtollbooth


Location; Chez Romney


Birthday boy wanted “a smoothie with no vegetables in it” so I complied… and threw in my new favorite waffle recipe (Our Best Bites’ light and crispy) #heissoeasyonhisbirthdaythatifeellame



Some of the birthday spoils: banana pudding and coupons from Seth #myfavoriteisthecouponwheresethwilltellyouyouareawesome


Lesa said...

LOVE her hair!!! And I was thinking the same thing--how on earth is she 14! I started reading your blog when she wasn't even in Young Womens.
Wow--time flies!

Lauren in GA said...

Yes. You may have to Homeschool. I wonder if has a good middle school curriculum?

Oh, and remind Ryan to prepare the shotgun...

Seth's coupons are fantastic! I just love him.