**disclaimer: real camera lost in Disneyland (I know. I have real camera-keeping problems.), so all photos are from the iphone or other’s non-lost cameras. Lucky for you this means less pictures.)
First, we stayed with my dad and step-mom, where the kids took part in the normal activities: swimming, golfing, fishing:
and the less normal: a trip to the Jelly Belly Factory. (All agreed…not exactly worth the hour drive.)
Ryan got to “work” from home for the week we spent in Northern California. Faith was a BIG help:
Then we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Romney for the usual days in the pool
trips to the park, In N Out and Yogofina. (Apparently I relied heavily on the actual camera for this part of the trip, as I have no evidence that we did any of these things. Boo.)
We also celebrated Gabe’s birthday during this week, with some Caramel French Toast, bacon and hashbrowns:
and a trip to San Francisco, where we got to see Tammy at the oldest playground in America (VERY cool)

and walk her dog (big highlight. You know how you know how fun it is? How many fights erupt.)
and eat shrimp at Pier 39.
We capped the night off, with some strawberry cake (made by Grandma)
and LOTS of birthday money which has turned into this bike:
After 6 days in Northern California, we got back in the lovely van and headed to Sunny Southern California for Sam’s Wedding to Stephanie (does she look like she belongs in our family or what?):
(Almost all my siblings):
(Me, insisting we get a family picture “I don’t care what Faith’s doing!!!”)
(Outtakes from while we were in the temple)
(Rate the comfort of my shoes on a scale of 1-10)
Coincidentally, Seth’s Birthday was also the day of the wedding. Here he is telling you how old he is, while on the temple lawn:
We tried to celebrate with balloons and Cookie Crisp in the hotel room:
He even got to have the entire reception sing to him, with a piece of wedding cake:
He also got a few presents after the reception was over.
I tried to make this big, awesome surprise about going to Disneyland for Seth’s birthday. But it flopped because a)big-eared eavesdropping older kids heard, apparently, ahead of time and, thus had no reaction and b) clueless younger children, apparently, don’t realize how awesome Disneyland is and THAT IT COSTS THEIR PARENTS HALF A COUCH to go for one day. Oh well.
But go to Disneyland we did. Even if no one cared.
We met up with Ryan’s brother Greg and his wife Christy, who live in Texas and just had the best three days. Grandma and Grandpa drove down for some fun, too. Some obligatory D-land pictures:
Can I also just say? Disneyland is worth every penny. So clean, so friendly, such a nice day, such a great way to be with adults, big kids and little kids alike. I, truly, had the time of my life.
We also hit the beach (so fun)
and ate lots of food and talked until waaay too late in the night with the Texas Romneys. LOVE those guys.
We headed back up to Northern California for a one day pit stop and then began the 15.5 hour drive back home.
47 hours of driving, upwards of $2000 on hotels, food, gas and theme parks, 2 birthday boys, 13 days, 6 different places to sleep, 2 lovebirds, ALL sides of the family = Way more fun and WAY less stress then we’d thought. Thanks for the memories, California!