Exciting Events of the past week:
Jane slept on the tramp and got 8 mosquito bites all down one side of her body. What?? You don't think that's super exciting?! Don't tell Jane. Basically the entire week's conversation revolved around those mosquito bites, who touched them, how they are changing, etc. etc. You'd think she'd broken a limb or something.
The big lightening/thunderstorm that lasted for two hours. For this California girl, who never saw summer thunderstorms, it was great fun to watch, as the kids ran in the warm rain. Seth: "Mom! I saw all da lighting!!"
Hours of cleaning and organizing in preparation for the visit of Grandma, Aunt Bekah and Aunt Stacy. Emma: "Mom, we never usually clean this good." Yes, Emma, that's because no one usually lives at our house for 7 days and has to actually close your bathroom door and notice the years worth of dust, moldy underpants and bath toys that we hide behind it.
The Fourth of July
which included
--a spousal fight about whether 4th of July is for spending 5 hours cleaning the basement (Ryan) or attending a picnic with friends and family (Jessica).
--the aforementioned picnic (I won).
--the fun little parade put on by our small town, in which Seth didn't quite get the concept of candy gathering. He would see the float throw the candy, be too slow to beat the sharper kids, but then follow the float down the block hoping they'd throw more directly to him.
--a BBQ in which the World's Biggest Flag Cake was made by Meghann and enjoyed by all
--an 11 minute firework show. (We miss Tracy, CA's and Sandy, UT's extravaganzas)
The Liberty Lake Loop, which is a 4 mile, HILLY run that our city puts on every year. Oh yeah, this pregnant lady ran the WHOLE thing in 38 minutes. (I'm not bragging or anything, just stating facts.) The whole family joined in, with Jane crying during half of her race, because "I got scawed."
The arrival of one grandma, one sister, one aunt and her five children. Don't expect much blogging this week!
Non-Neutral Colours and Your Style
1 day ago
Oh,oh, I see the bunny-earitis problem starting up again in the parade picture. Gotta love that Gabe!!
Way to go running, that's awesome! Glad to see you won the picnic fight.
4 miles in 38 minutes? I was gonna say other things, but forgot everything when I read that... wow, nice.
Impressive... running pregnant. I thought you were supposed to take the 9 months off.
Loved the "cleaning" vs "party" deal...
I think I like 4th even better than Christmas sometimes... SO to me it is a PARTY day from dawn to fireworks and then watermelon or root beer floats and back into the pool to finish the day.
The weather is fine,
the food is yummy and
people are outdoors
clothes are cute and helped out with tan skin
there's America songs to play and sing
and EVERYONE seems to like the mid summer holiday!
AND you don't have to "purchase" beyond your annual savings, buying presents to be politically correct in the gift giving department!
Those are MY strong points for this being the BETTER holiday. I DO LOVE Christmas music tho and I appreciate the "true meaning" of Christmas...BUT Dec. holiday-ing is OVER rated!
Sign me up for July 4th fun any time!!
Tell your mom and group HI/Aloha for me!
Bekah needs to update her blog for those of us who check in on her life!!!
You are looking GREAT for the 5th child AND winning the race!!!
I would like to know more about the moldy underpants hidden behind the bathroom door and details on that GIANT cake.
And 4 miles in 38 minutes? Pregnant? I sit at your feet in awe, sister.
Was good to see you after the race. You looked positivley radiant!
Sounds like you've been busy. Congrats on your race time. We were waiting for the parade out here, and the 10K runners came by before it started. I was surprised to see 4 pregnant women running along with everyone else. I've always had the same thought as Anisa, take the 9 months off.
Nothing like company coming to get me "really" cleaning. LOVE the bathroom description...I always clean the "big" parts, but when I think to notice the baseboards & behind the door...YIKES!!
Huge kudos to you for finishing a race in such good time, pregnant no less!
So glad you had a wonderful fourth. I can't get over that cake! The over-achievers in this world...
I need a out of town guest so that I have an excuse to clean that well.
I'm sad our wii playing didn't make the sunday summary! It was so fun to see you guys. You can see a pic of you and ryan playing on our blog.
Way to go on that run! That is amazing. I know what you mean about the mess behind the kids' bathroom door. Big disadvantage from never shutting it.
WOW. 38 minutes. That is incredible. Love the 4th of July attire and the headbands!
WOW on the running. Just walking is sending me into Braxton-Hicks already.
Love the holiday attire.
You are amazing!!!! 4 miles in 38 minutes pregnant, or not pregnant is so wonderful! I only run if something is chasing me...well, even if something is chasing me it still may not be motivation enough to run. ;) Hmmmmm....maybe if I were on fire?...
All joking aside...I loved this summary :D. I am so glad you got to go to the picnic and parade. Everyone looks so great! I love your shirt!
Please tell Jane that I hope those itchy mosquito bites heal quickly. :)
You look like the perfect all American family. And cute maternity clothes. ... and seriously, I would have put the finish time from the pregnant lady in all caps - the very first. You rock.
Very impressed with the run...very impressed.
Wish we could be included in the onslaught of aunts with children, but alas, maybe next year.
Have fun!
Way to run!!! I admire many things about you and your dedication to your own health and fitness when you're prego is just one of them! Awesome time and awesome that you ran it as a family!
You ran pregnant? You are my hero.
You ran that and your uterus didn't fall out?
I can barely lap Target without having to sit or cross my legs hoping to keep the baby inside.
Nice time on the run, I am impressed.
Also: plan for next year's Fourth: You attend the picnic. Ryan + kids clean the basement. You see, I am all about compromise.
Also, you want thunderstorms, try Missouri. I have never seen anything like the storms here.
I'm very impressed you even ran. Not suprised because I know you. That cake looks awesome!! Good thing Ryan has you around to remind him what's really important in life. love you guys, Can't wait to see you soon! :)
I'm so bummed I didn't put Jack in the race. He would have LOVED it. Thanks again for the BBQ. We always have too much fun at your house.
Jessica, I missed seeing you when you were in town!!!
I'm dying over Ryan wanting to clean the basement. I'm glad you won.
Nice run! I couldn't do it that fast not pregnant!
And what a cake, and a party. Looks fun!
Jessica you never cease to amaze me, I could not run it in that time! The kids are adorable, and I miss you tons and tons!
Mom are you nicely? Is hilarious!
Good for you on the run! Brag away! I would if I was pregnant with my fifth child. Whew.
I have one mosquito bite and haven't given it nearly as much attention as Jane. Lesson learned.
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