Monday we got back from Utah. Ryan was in Toronto (where his new company is based). I was so sad to come home to an empty house until I opened my bathroom drawer which was completely organized (along with all the cabinets underneath). Emma came running into my room: "Dad cleaned the closet and hung my pictures!" It was like a treasure hunt, running around the house, seeing what he'd done: organized game closet, linen closet, etc., a new garden box, waxed was out of control. I know, I know, he's unreal and I'm the luckiest girl ever.
Tuesday was the day I started to feel better!! I am not all the way out of the nausea, but it's SO MUCH BETTER and the exhaustion is gone. I actually cooked an entire meal from scratch for us and the missionaries.
Thursday, Ryan got home. We'd been apart for 9 days and it felt like forever--are we newlyweds? I don't know how military wives (Ellie) do it. At all.
Friday we went swimming at the YMCA. The kids had been so excited. This is what Jane put on as soon as she realized it was Friday night:
It was fun being with the Hunters (they'd invited us) and Seth loved loved loved loved loved the kiddie pool.
Saturday we had a great time at the Shock game with the Nebekers. They are part-owners/managers of our local arena football league team and they invited us to sit in their box with them. It's such a show at those close-up, fast paced football games and we had so much fun. Next week, guys?
When we got home from the game, our babysitter had all the kids in bed. I went to check on Seth a half hour later and couldn't find him. I looked around the dark room...and this is where he was:
This is Gabe's bed, in the boys' room, which Gabe never sleeps in because he loves to sleep with his sisters. Poor Seth, as the fourth child, he apparently can't get anyone to realize he's growing up, so he's got to potty train himself and decide when he's ready for a big boy bed (which he's been in ever since).
Sunday was a great Mother's Day, because I have a great husband. Here are some picture of the food I was served (breakfast, dinner and dessert).
The kids gave me all their cute school presents (totally the best kind) and I loved sleeping in and reading blogs in the middle of the day without worrying about it. We also had the BEST talks in Sacrament meeting and I was able to push away the Guilt enough to enjoy my family.
Okay, that summary was not funny at all. Sometimes you have it, sometimes you don't.
Non-Neutral Colours and Your Style
1 day ago
Who needs funny when you've had such a great couple of days!?! I'm glad you are feeling better!
Wow! I need a few lessons in organization from your husband. You are lucky to have such a clean and neat husband. I also have to agree - reading blogs without feeling guilty is one big advantage to Mother's Day - sleeping in probably tops it though! :) I love that Seth is just taking the initiative to grow up. Makes it a lot easier than trying to force them to.
He does sound like a wonderful husband! How lucky you are! That food looks great!
I can't believe Ryan does all that organizing! That is amazing. Glad you are feeling better. That last picture of you and your kids is so cute.
And for the record, you of all people should NEVER feel guilty on Mother's Day. I have learned so much about being a good mom from you and I've only "met" you twice. You make delicious home cooked sit down meals for your family regularly, you make holidays a true celebration for your kids. Even the miniscule ones. Your kids won't be able to cut the material down to a 10-12 minute talk when they're speaking on Mother's Day. So there.
Wow Ryan!! Since when did you become a gourmet chef? I had no idea. What beautiful food you made for Jessica. Very impressive.
Glad you are feeling better - that food looks great but now I am hungry!
You've always got it! And you did score on the Mother's Day (Week) goodies!
Yeah for Mother's Day!
I'm with Anne Marie- no funny required. Sounds like a fabulous week and you do sound like newlyweds. Go you!
I love the last pic- especially that Shabby Apple dress that Emma is wearing (right?). You all look great.
I'm hoping that my Drew just does what Seth does- takes initiative. Though I'm not too keen when his initiative takes 10 minutes to put pants on only to realize they are backwards (hey, he's only almost two- I cut the kid some slack).
I am so glad that the nausea is lifting and you have energy back...I know that has to be a releif :)
I agree, I don't know how military wives do it. Since moving to Georgia we have lived in a military ward and I am continually impressed with and amazed by the strength of these women.
I am not over the mothering guilt of Sunday. I keep trying to snap out of it...I read Bridget's great post and I need to follow her advice :) I am proud of you for just pushing it away and letting yourself enjoy your wonderful little family.
I got a giggle out of seeing adorable Jane in her swimsuit with her boots on (I am sure Jane changed her shoes but it was so cute) because when Adam was about 3 he used to insist on wearing his black boots EVERYWHERE...even to the pool...the teenaged lifeguards loved it...I decided to just pick my battles and tried to ignore how silly he looked...but, now I kinda miss how sweet and quirky it was :)
Yeah for wonderful hubbies!!! I think I need to sick yours on my make-up drawer...
Our sacrament was fab as well. Such a great Sunday. Glad yours was so wonderful.
Isn't wonderful to have a day to remember you (Mothers day) which in turn reminds you what a wonderful husband you have. Glad you are feeling better.
please don't capitalize guilt. it gives it too much power.
i really enjoy your relationship. i find it refreshing and healthy. thanks for sharing it with us.
I can't get over the spread of food. Seriously.
I don't need funny. That was great.
Monday was my favorite day.
Wow, your husband is amazing!!!! Can I borrow him for a weekend to organize my house? I am the cleaner/organizer in our house and sometimes it gets old. Do you like that he does that or does it kind of annoy you that he is so clean? Be honest.I sent some maternity clothes with Celia when she went to BP, but she forgot to give them to you, apprently you guys were too busy having fun and talking. Anyway I will send them in the mail. Can you email me your address to Glad you are feeling better.
Okay, I will pay for your husband. How much do you want for him? I'd DIE if I came home and drawers were organized, closets cleaned, and pictures hung. I'm lucky if mine puts the dishes in the dishwasher. Lucky you!
Glad you are feeling better! I hope my 3rd & 4th potty train themselves and transition so easily to a big bed--awesome! Sounds like your kids & hubby made it a good Mother's day--yay=)
I'm so glad to hear you were feeling better. I am sure it helped you to be able to appreciate all the well deserved spoiling.
My fav--Seth finding a spot to sleep in his big brother's bed.
And the food.
Wow, what a great couple of days! And your dinner looked AWESOME! I noticed Ryan making the garden box and also saw your nice organized garage... we need to take a lesson. But did you also know that your sweet hubby (and sweet John Hunter) filled our entire box with dirt while we were at the temple? And made and filled Bethany's? We have an FANTASTIC neighborhood!! I don't think we have ever mentioned that before... ;)
SO happy to hear that you are feeling better!
Excellent! You deserve your great guy because you obviously appreciate him and treat him right!
Love the big boy dinosaur bed!
Ooooh. Gabi stole mine. I too love it when wives appreciate their hubbies. I know that lots of men make it difficult to be appreciated... But, it is so uplifting. WAY TO GO RYAN!
I'm so glad that you are finally starting to feel better. Hope everyday is better.
And you are CUTE cute cute pregnant. I'm not seeing the baby poundage you keep referring to? What gives!!!!
Yeah things are turning around for you! I'm glad you had a good mothers day!! Seth is looking very grown up!
I love hearing about fabulous husbands! You are such a blessed girl (didn't want to say lucky!) So glad you're feeling better and that you had such a nice day & trip.
Get over the guilt girl! I made a vow a long time ago to never feel guilty on Mother's Day. I just pretend all the talks are about me and that for one day I am the most wonderful mom/wife ever!
Oh and by the way, Aric will not be allowed to read this post because he all ready has an inferiority complex when it comes to Ryan.
I am so glad that you are feeling better! And your Hubby went above and beyond! Lucky girl!
You always have it. Wht an amazing husband! Ryan sets one heck of a standard. Seth is adorable--and so cute that he just moves out on his own (of the crib that is).
I love Seth figuring out life on his own. He is so cute.
Don't know how I feel about you and Meghann all smiley without me there. Shouldn't you be crying?
Still mourning that cake...
YOU MADE A COMPLETE MEAL? What week are you at? I'm at week 35, and haven't made an actual meal (of which I'm not embarrassed of, anyway) for....
....32 weeks.
I love your updates because they keep me updated!! Miss you, and I'm very jealous of that amazing looking salad.
WOW! What a great week! And that Mother's Day meal?! Does he give husband cooking classes? I didn't have to cook, but dinner didn't look anything like that!
You are so lucky, Ryan adores you and is such a wonderful husband!!! You look fantastic...are you really pregnant? Your kids are so cute, love it. happy belated moms day!
I love the Seth story - what does the kid have to do to prove he's not the baby anymore? Could it be any better planned? Is it still sad to see the 4th grow up?
PS Great meal on Friday night. I need the pork recipe - Mike loves pulled pork.
I love that picture of us. You need to send me a copy. Thanks for coming with us. You definitely have to come again!!! Next time you go to the YMCA pool let us know. I still need to find out about that discount. (Seth's hair looked so cute at church today. Is he going for the Ryan Seacrest look?)
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