Thursday, October 22, 2015

Random kid update

  • doing well in her advanced classes.  It's fun to see her enjoying and working hard on them.  Glad Ryan is good at physics.
  • had some trouble with safe driving the first few months (I got some concerned parents''s a good thing.)  We had her pay for and use the MotoSafety equipment and it's gotten much better. I'm really enjoying her driving help.  Right now, she's picking up a wet backpack from the elementary school (water bottle explosion??) so I can do this instead. a 3rd car for her in the plan, but we're procrastinating that expense.
  • great sense of style/Pinterest user.  I love having an in house style expert.  If only I could lose 15 lbs, then I could wear her clothes too.
  • Just went to Homecoming with a cute kid in our ward.  He asked her using Solo cups (Don't make me go "Solo" to Homecoming!) and she borrowed the cutest dress from a friend's modest dress company in Utah.  
  • embarked on a clean eating/exercise challenge with Ryan and me.  I've loved having her exercise with me 3-4 days a week, and having a partner in the more whole foods/less sugar endeavor is nice.
  • Turning into quite the pianist.  She accompanied Seth on Sunday as he sang "Gethsemane" and they did SUCH a great job.
  • works cleaning houses and babysitting 2-3 times a week
  • continues to be a huge help and is happy to attend the many events her siblings in which her siblings are involved.  She has great friends and honestly is pretty darn easy as far as teenagers go, I think.


1 comment:

Amy F. said...

Love your Emma-girl!! She is such a wonderful person. :)