Family events:
We took everyone canoeing on Memorial Day. Last summer Ryan took his scouts on this river, then we did it for a date and have been wanting to take the kids. It was so much work. Borrowing a trailer, renting canoes, dropping off canoes, dropping off cars, etc. etc. but it was the most fun day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when I can tell even my teenagers are enjoying the family outing. Levi was awesome (except for when we put his life jacket on) and loved hanging out outside (his favorite) while we paddled down the river. Jane and Gabe were hilarious the weeds, getting stuck in trees, having to get out of the canoe and push, racing everyone. I loved chatting with Emma and Faith. It was beautiful and calming and a little bit hard and after 2 hours we were done and everyone got rewarded with a jamba juice. Great memory.
He has a beard. I'm in love with it. He loves soccer and lives for the outdoor games he and his friends play 3 times a week. Work is for once super chill and he's home a little earlier these days because of it. He is taking advantage of his work's Bike To Work month incentives and bikes almost every day. He reads boring computer books in his spare time and also has enjoyed audiobooks during workouts and commutes. He's still the best scoutmaster ever. Seriously.

I'm running a half marathon tomorrow. I can't tell you how happy it makes me that my knee can do 8-12 mile runs for 6-8 weeks in a row. I still keep my mileage per week under 18 (It's supposed to be under 15 but I fudge during training). I'm simultaneously dreading and getting excited for summer. Levi is hard and loves his dad WAY more than me and it honestly hurts my feelings but I try to be a big girl about it. I'm playing piano in primary but switch one Sunday a month with the chorister and do singing time. It's kind of perfect.

FINALLY got her license. It makes her seem so old and independent which makes me sad. Except when I forget tomatoes for Sunday dinner and she is happy to run to the store at 11:00 on Saturday night for me! She's easy going and fun and has the cutest friends. She's trying to get a house cleaning business started...she has two women she cleans for and is hoping to get a few more clients for the summer. It's hard to go on family vacations and girls camp in the summer and not work Sundays and want to be in theater during the school year and still find a job!
Finished track season as the 8th fastest two miler in the Eastern half of Washington. He was 3 seconds away from being the fastest freshman his high school has ever had and when he missed that time at regionals, he was really bummed. It's hard to have such high goals and such a fast rise to the top of your sport because really really good is still a little disappointing. He's had a busy busy year and was happy to take his AP World history test because it has given him a lot more time. He also has good friends and wants to be with them all the time but he'll talk to his mom and contribute to the family when he's home.
Turned 12 on Saturday. We had a countdown, a birthday list, meals planned for 2 months before the big day. It was pretty fun and exciting. She finished soccer and made her select team again next year. She LOVES it. She also did track this season and is REALLY good at long jump (thank you hypertonisity). She has a 50s dance tonight and dressed up so cute in her 50s costume today for school.
Continues to work so hard on his ADD issues at school and at neurotherapy. I'm so impressed with his determination and interest in improving. He enjoys piano and did some art and running and a computer class the last few months, and I'd like to get him into swimming (team sports aren't really his thing..) He's had a great, tough teacher this year.

Is the funnest sidekick. I will miss her so much next year during 1st grade. Faith loves school and is always excited to go. Last week Faith asked Ryan why he brushed his teeth while showering. He told her "because it kills 2 birds with 1 stone". He then asked if she knew what that meant. She simply said, "it sounds disgusting". She doesn't really talk like a kindergartner. Jessica has started to get her beginner "chapter books" at the library. She read 2 of them in the last 24 hours. She is the only kid left who still wants a parent to say prayers with her before bed at night. Faith and Seth took a cooking class for kids this month and have been DYING to use their new found skills & cookbooks.

Is hard to describe. He is a strong willed little guy who loves to explore the outdoors and play with any sort of ball. He is always trying to sneak outside (whether or not a parent is watching). When inside he gets bored pretty quickly and cries to be held and carried around. However, once he is outside he will wander around for an hour happy as a clam. He is used to being the center of attention and demands to be kept there no matter what else may need to be done. He is only just beginning to verbalize words. He has started mimicking his siblings and parents sounds. He responds appropriately to us when we talk to him so we know he understands quite a bit but he has been slow to use any words himself. He still thinks that he is a state champion wrestler anytime a diaper or clothing needs to be changed. He does NOT like to be put onto his back.