7 months:
- Crawled everywhere.
- Sat himself up from a crawl.
- Pulled to stand.
- Got his 3rd tooth
- Started stuffing his Aden and Anais blankets in his mouth (like it's a wad of Big League Chew gum) in order to fall asleep.
- Drank through a straw.
- Transitioned to 2 naps a day.
- Shy around strangers
8 months:
- Got 4-6th tooth
- Began showing a nut sensitivity (Welts on his face after eating a veggie lasagna with cashew cream).
- Gave kisses when asked.
- Began to show he knew familiar phrases. (Time for a nap, etc.)
- Began to really show his preference for daddy
- 19.5 lbs, 30 inches.
9 months:
- Took his first airplane ride
- Started standing by himself.
- 7-8th teeth.
- Played pat a cake.
- Responds to phrases like "want to get out?' or "What's in your mouth?"
- 21 lbs., 31 inches long.
10 months:
- Learned to back down the stairs!
- Double ear infection.
- Folds his arms for prayers.
- Clapped and danced to music.
- Still not standing much by himself.
- 12 hours at night, short naps through the day.
- Made the silliest scrunched nose face.
- Began the ridiculous fighting any time clothes or diaper changes are in order.
- Said "Sock"
11 months:
- Stands on his own.
- First haircut.
- Throws food he's down with on the floor.
- Said Dada and Seth
- Refuses to do tricks more than 3-4 times. Once we know he can do them, he doesn't do them anymore.
- He loves green smoothies.
12 months:
- 31.25 inches, 22.5 lbs.
- Took his first step.
- Waved bye-bye.
- Pointed to hair, mouth, eyes, nose.
- When asked what a fish says: open and closes mouth rapidly
- Said "Uh-oh! and Mama"
- Gave high fives
- Really really good small motor skills. Built towers of blocks over and over.\
- Clicked his tongue to let us know he wanted food.
13 months:
- Confirmed a peanut, cashew, brazil nut, hazel nut allergy. Went on a strict no nuts policy (even the ones he's not technically allergic to) in hopes that he will be the 20% that grow out of it.
- Got all 4 molars.
- Did Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Could unzip zippers!
14 months:
- First week without mom and dad...did great! He liked Grandma...but only if Jane, Emma or Faith weren't around.
- Started walking at 14.5 months and was really good right away...because he was so old.
- Began to not take a morning nap every once in a while.
- Said Hi and All Done.
- 34 inches (90%), 24 lbs (60%).
15 months:
- Started kicking a soccer ball around like a champ. Obsessed with balls and started by throwing them backward, but now can throw forward.
- Discovered play doh and often finds the jars and brings them to me pleadingly
- Said Ni-Ni (Night night) and Ree (Read)
1 comment:
I got a giggle out of the blankets being stuffed in his mouth and looking like a wad of Big League Chew gum.
I also got a giggle out of him understanding the phrase, "What's in your mouth?" It made me laugh because, "Oh, if I had a dime for every time I asked one of my kids that..."
You are so wise to have put all of this on the blog. I still need to compile John's.
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