Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's dangerous out there

Ryan just called a sibling whose parenting he particularly admires and asked the following question: "When you become a perfect parent, do you stop hiding from your kids? Because right now, I'm afraid to leave my room because I might encounter one. I'm just wondering, does that end sometime?"

It's been a long Sunday.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Melissa B. said...

Oh we know the feeling... you wish you could hide for days at a time!

Rachel said...

I'm so glad to know that other people feel that way about their kids too:) Also I was dying laughing about Faith's cute turkey comment! So funny!

katie said...

Oh man, Sundays are the worst (when it comes to parenting - not the whole church/Sabbath day thing). Our church is in the middle of the day so none of our boys have naps and I usually tell Dan around dinnertime that I am done with the kids and need to go hide/go to bed before I lose it.

jessica said...

I was hiding under a blanket from Camden after church today...not even joking. Didn't last long, he thought I was playing peek a boo.

crystal said...

Tell Ryan there's another parental coward out there, because I hid from my kids today from 4:00-8:00pm. Awesome.

Lauren in GA said...

Dear Ryan,
I know, right? Nothing strikes fear in my heart like encountering my kids (usually over tired but still wound up) after a long Sunday.

Sometimes I sit in the minivan to clear my head. They always find me, though. They are light heat seeking missles, or something.

I heard a joke once, "I have baby proofed my whole house...but they keep finding a way back in."

Shirley said...

WAY TOO FUNNY.....and way too TRUE!!!

Cami said...


Brooke Romney said...

Oh man, what's up with Sundays? For sure been there!

missy said...

Since you guys are parents I particularly admire, I am relived to know that I'm not the only one who has felt this way!

Rochelleht said...

Pretty sure I'd be making that call to you guys!

Lisa-Marie said...

Yesterday I was watching a little girl (who you think comes from a perfect family) throw a fit and it made me SO HAPPY. I'm kinda feeling the same way right now. I'm sorry you've had a rough day, but so happy that even "perfect" parents like you, hide too!

Does this sibling have a blog? That would be good reading material. If Ryan could learn a thing or two from them, I'm sure I could learn a million!

Elizabeth said...

Can you ask the sib if its ok to want to hide for weeks at a time?

Shopper Gal said...

We all have that feeling!! Somedays can be so wonderful and then others... um not so much! Hang in there Ryan and hope they don't find you for a few :)

Meridith said...

I didn't get that phone call!! I thought I was the parent he admired?